Meditate in a magnificent Tibetan temple
Discover the Buddhist approach to life, the principles of His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
- Learn Buddhist methods to create a happier and more meaningful life
- Explore many Buddhist teachings including compassion, love, karma, enlightenment, impermanence, ethics, and concentration
- Experience guided meditations for relaxation, clarity, and stillness, from the course book, Meditations on the Path to Enlightenment, by the centre’s founder and spiritual guide, Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden

From 15 October the teacher, Caterina Neal, will focus on developing concentration and a series of meditations 101, how to meditate and the different types of meditations. It will include topics such as impermanence and aspects still to be covered. Dates – three weeks from 15 October to 29 Oct November.
About the classes
The temple is a wonderful and serene space, featuring a 12-foot statue of Shakyamuni Buddha and unique Tibetan artworks called thangkas. Cushions for meditating cross-legged, and chairs to suit others’ comfort.
You can join the classes in the magnificent traditional Tibetan temple. All welcome.

Each class incorporates a talk, guided meditation, and Q&A session. Delicious refreshments and an opportunity to chat after each session. The facility charge per session is $10, with all proceeds to upkeep of the temple and gardens.
Address: 20 Cookes Road, Yuroke, 45 minutes from the cbd, five minutes from Craigieburn. Queries –