Tibetan Buddhist Society Melbourne

Peaceful Land of Joy Meditation Centre

A volunteer community

Visitors to the Tibetan Buddhist Society (TBS) in Yuroke sometimes ask how we maintain our teaching program, buildings and gardens. The centre is, and always has been, a completely volunteer-run organisation. 

Helping to sustain and develop this beautiful centre of peace and Mahayana Buddhist learning is a richly rewarding and meaningful experience for us as volunteers, and we warmly invite you to join us (see benefits of volunteering).

Volunteers are welcome to get involved in one or more areas of the centre’s activities (see volunteer options). Some of us start by coming to gardening on a Saturday morning – a great way to chat with fellow gardeners and enjoy a home cooked lunch! Others join one of the regular working bees or help out at a festival, class or retreat. 

Whether you are a new or seasoned volunteer, if you would like to be part of shaping the future of the TBS, you are also welcome to join one of the teams that manage the different centre activities, such as the garden, retreats or community support (see more about teams).  

You may like to try-out volunteering to see how you like it, without any expectation of ongoing commitment. There is also no need to be Buddhist to be part of our volunteer community (see FAQs). 

Together, we can continue to maintain and develop the beautiful temple, lovely gardens, and activities of the TBS, and support the broader Australian community of which we are part.

By so doing, we honour the vision, wisdom and kindness of our precious founder and teacher, the Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden, who has reincarnated as Loden Rinpoche. Loden Rinpoche’s identification gives us all renewed inspiration and we welcome you to be part of this new chapter.

To join our volunteer community, please ask to chat with any team member or a director if you are onsite at the centre, or call us on (03) 9333 1770 (please leave a message), and/or complete this form. See also where to start.   

For more information about volunteering at the Tibetan Buddhist Society please explore:

Where to start

Volunteer options

More about teams

Benefits of volunteering

Volunteer stories


The volunteer form

Tibetan Buddhist Society

20 Cookes Rd

Yuroke VIC 3163

Tel: +61  03 9333-1770

Register for newsletters and other TBS emails here