Saturday 8 June to Friday 14 June 2024
To register – please read the information below and click the registration button at the bottom of the page

Mind training – a precious lineage of teachings
“When the container and the contents are filled with negativity, transform adverse conditions into the path to enlightenment”
Geshe Chekawa, Mind Training in Seven Points
We hope you can join us for our one week Mind Training retreat with Les Sheehy. The retreat will be held between 8 and 14 June 2024 (including the King’s Birthday public holiday on Monday 10 June).
This Mind Training, or lojong, tradition belongs to one of the most precious lineages of teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. Focussed on the bodhichitta method of equalising and exchanging ourselves with others, it shows how in our daily lives and activities we can cultivate our best qualities of compassion, love and wisdom so we can most effectively benefit others.
“Meditate on the great kindness of all”
Geshe Chekawa, Mind Training in Seven Points
During the retreat Les will take us through the root text, Mind Training in Seven Points by the renowned 12th century Tibetan master Geshe Chekawa. Les will use the translation of this holy text made by the Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden, supported by Geshe Loden’s commentary in Chapter 19 of his renowned lam.rim text, Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism.
The root text explains how we can transform obstacles and difficulties in our practice, or in our life generally, into the causes of enlightenment. It also includes wonderful practical guidelines for daily life and developing our positive minds.
We look forward to welcoming you to our 2024 June retreat, to be led by Les Sheehy.

Les Sheehy
Les Sheehy, director of the Tibetan Buddhist Society’s Perth centre, has received the profound Tibetan Buddhist teachings from his teachers Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden and Venerable Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, and has practised meditation, studied and taught throughout his adult life.
About the retreat
Anyone is welcome to attend this retreat.
There will be six meditation sessions each day. The first session will commence at 7am on Saturday 8 June, and the retreat will finish after lunch on Friday 14 June.
The retreat will be held on-site at the Tibetan Buddhist Society in Yuroke. The centre, known as the Peaceful Land of Joy, is set in beautiful 10-acre gardens. Participants also have an option to attend online.

Each day’s teachings and meditations will draw on the learning of prior days; therefore, it will not be possible to opt in for irregular days or commence after Sunday 9 June. If you have any queries, please email
To register and for more details please click – REGISTER